...In The Valley of the Kvetching Magnolias!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

¡Chile v. Peru!

I've heard that there´s about 82,000 people in the national stadium right now, and in a matter of minutes, I'm going to be one of them. That's right folks, tonight is Chile v. Peru in a futbol grudge match of death. I'm getting there a bit late, so let's hope I get a seat, but even more, let's hope I don't die in a Peru/Chile post partido rumble. Woo! ¡GOooooooooooooooool!

all the best.

Monday, October 15, 2007

San Pedro de Atacama

Gigantic dunes, rocks formations that look like they could come from the set of a Star Wars movie, flamingos chopping on tiny crill in the expansive salt flat, a crystal clear view of the night sky given the dry air and high altitude, and a tiny, dusty town housing all the tourists who want to see it all. This weekend has been fun, but Im a bit exhausted and missing Santiago. I did a lot of mountain biking and treking around and saw a lot, probably spent too much money, and have a slight sun burn, but feel like it was time well spent to see another side of Chile. It feels worlds away from the hustle and energy of the capital in the central valley...Theres probably more to say, but Ive gone well over my twenty minutes of computer time in this hostals computer. Leaving for Santiago tomorrow morning, more updates then.

Hope you all are well,