...In The Valley of the Kvetching Magnolias!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

In the Media

Hello. I am winding down my internship at the Institute, and feeling slightly worn down with the Dixie Jewry. I just wrote 15 pages about the history of Montgomery Jews, and am currently working on Birmingham. Some interesting things: Montgomery's first white settler was named Abraham Mordecai he was a fur trader convinced that the local Indian Tribes were a lost band of Israelites. Also, he got his ear cut off. Birmingham, on the other hand, was home to the most famous Jewish poet... in Japan.
I've been in the media lately...check it out:
1) This was my second column in the Summer Daily...Howard Dean came to Jackson, and I had thoughts about the gaping chasms of regional political alliances.... Catfish Kveth#2: Red Mississippi Blues.
2) My third column of the summer came out this week, and delves into the complex and altogether, deceivingly pleasant ethos of the American county fair in Catfish Kveth#3: All's Fair
3) I produced another piece for WLEZ's Radio Fondren. It's a bit of an audio tour of Jackson art galleries. I think I should get a stipend from the Jackson Tourism bureau. When its up on Radio Fondren's website this will be a link. Click on the big headphones, or scroll down until you see the link for August 8th...
I hope you are all well.