...In The Valley of the Kvetching Magnolias!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Una Mapa!

Here's a map of South America! Blogging es muy divertido!


Unknown said...

Woo! I got the first comment on your blog!

Don't have much else to add besides that, except that I am vicariously excited through you to be going to South America. I also look forward to reading your many future blog updates. And, I'm going to miss you! Columbae and Stanford just won't be the same without you around.

Oh, and also, there's a medical marijuana store in my office building, the janitors like to do karaoke to bad 80's music on the roof really loudly, and my bosses (who are mostly vegan nerds) have introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons. So, I'm enjoying my summer :)

Leah said...

ooops. my alarm clock didn't go off at 3:15 am. meant to wake up to make sure you got in the cab.... well, to be honest it was more to make sure the semi-dodgy car service i called actualy showed up. but when i woke up you were gone! i'm guessing you made it to the airport...