...In The Valley of the Kvetching Magnolias!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

¡Chile v. Peru!

I've heard that there´s about 82,000 people in the national stadium right now, and in a matter of minutes, I'm going to be one of them. That's right folks, tonight is Chile v. Peru in a futbol grudge match of death. I'm getting there a bit late, so let's hope I get a seat, but even more, let's hope I don't die in a Peru/Chile post partido rumble. Woo! ¡GOooooooooooooooool!

all the best.


Leah said...

hi danny sounds exciting. i like saying hi to you on your blog site cuz its proof that i'm reading each and everyone. are you gonna be home for thanksgiving? if no, that is muy muy strange.
go chile!!!!

Leah said...

hi danny sounds exciting. i like saying hi to you on your blog site cuz its proof that i'm reading each and everyone. are you gonna be home for thanksgiving? if no, that is muy muy strange.
go chile!!!!

Leah said...


Anonymous said...

hey, i'm waiting for the follow-up game entry. you have eager fans, dan. we are displeased. -yennifer

Anonymous said...

ok seriously dan... you had better be deathly ill or something, because not only do i never see you in person, but i can't even keep up with you via internet! wtf mate! also, i need another packet of tissues.