...In The Valley of the Kvetching Magnolias!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Villa Grimaldi

Preface: Things are going well with me… finishing up exams and papers (writing one about the role of television in Chilean politics...muy interesante) and trying to enjoy my last little bits of Santiago before I head back to the States. But before I leave, I want to make sure I share with you something really valuable that happened to me-- I took a tour of Villa Grimaldi, a former detention and torture camp during the Pinochet regime. I’ve decided not to post it outright in my blog because something about talking about torture alongside a discussion of how much fun I had at the beach last weekend and a goofy picture of me wearing a funny hat I bought in Buenos Aires felt slightly inappropriate. Also, I thought it best to spare any squeamish readers casually perusing the blog, because it’s pretty heavy stuff. But I highly encourage you all to follow the link below. It’s an account of by far the most important thing I’ve done in my travels and I think it’s a worthwhile read for everyone.

(Also, editorial note: some of the numbers I mention might be slightly off due to a bad memory for numbers. Quoted text is also from memory and translated from Spanish. However, all anecdotes are true.)

Please Read This

Faces of los disaparecidos

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